I did a solo trip down to Puget sound to get a sense of how easy it was to cover a good distance and to check out a few places. I cleared US customs in Port Townsend by prior arrangement which was simple and straightforward. I then spent a few hours at the
Pygmy boats kayak shop and chatting with John Lockwood.
The Port Townsend area - click to enlarge |
I stayed at
Shilshole Bay marina in Seattle which was huge (1400+ slips) but well equipped. I was able to take advantage of good pubs in Ballard and did some shopping. I went for a day trip to
Blake Island State Park which is a a nicely set up marine state park in Seattle's back yard.
exploring the Seattle area -click to enlarge |
The crossing of the strait was relatively easy both ways. On the way out I saw humpbacks twice as well as porpoises. Nothing on the way back. The only lumpy water i experienced was around point Wilson where the currents made for confused seas. The crossing to Port Townsend takes about 1.5 to 2 hours.
The overall trip - click to enlarge |
Martin helped me to launch and retrieve Natural C-lection at the beginning and end of the trip in the most efficient manner. He drove the truck back home after launching while I went by water to the mooring. On the way back we did the reverse. It was very easy to launch and retrieve with someone in the boat while doing so. I also cleared Canada Customs by phone in Cadboro Bay which was nice and easy as i have now done it several times.
Launching and retrieving and clearing customs - click to enlarge |
285 km and approx 210 l of gas.