Monica, Jenny and I took Natural C-lection over to Friday Harbor for the annual c-brat get together. We joined up with 43 other boats for a couple of days of meeting old friends, making new ones, look at boat mods etc. A great pot luck was had on Saturday evening! There were 9 Canadian C-dories present which was a record for this event. On the Saturday, I went to the swap meet, checked out West marine, and then the three of us walked over to the Friday Harbour Marine labs where they were having an open house.
After Friday Harbor, we made our way around the South and East of Orcas and had a nice lunch an a walk on Clark Island before making our way to Shallow Bay on Sucia, where we met up with 8 other c-brats. We had a nice happy hour together with the others aboard Sam's Safe Harbour (37 footer!).
We had several good porpoise sightings on our way back home.
We used the
West Marine Scamper II as our "tender"/dinghy and it worked quite well.
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trip length 151 km - not sure how much gas I used yet!