After leaving the gathering around noon on Sunday, we made our way up to Jones Island State Park were we paddled ashore (we have decided that the West Marine scamper 2 inflatable works well as a tender for Natural C-lection) and went for a nice walk around the west part of the island. After that we made our way past Roche Harbour to Garrison Bay where we visited the "English Camp" from the Pig war and spent the night at anchor. I used a stern anchor to stop us swinging as much, and it seemed to work quite well.
The following morning, we set off after breakfast and made our way down the west coast of San Juan Island and then back over to Cadboro Bay, where we cleared customs, put Monica ashore to get the truck and trailer, and then went over to Cattle Point to retrieve the boat. On our way out of Mosquito pass I noticed that a channel marker buoy (#6) had moved overnight and was able to inform the US Coast Guard to that effect.
Clearing customs and immigration was easy both in Friday Harbor as well as in Cadboro Bay. Though I only spoke to people via phone, all were friendly and helpful.
A great weekend! We made several new friends, and it was great to put faces to many of the people I had only "met" on the c-brats site. Now to get back to organising a September gathering in Sidney!
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